As soon as you have confirmed you are pregnant, usually by taking a pregnancy test which can be purchased over the counter, please arrange to see the midwife from your chosen provider by viewing your options available on this website.
The routine appointments are as follows, however you may have additional appointments should they be required.
Dependent upon who you have chosen to provide your care, this 1st contact may be at the GP, in a community clinic or via the phone. Whichever method, your details will be taken and a booking appointment will be made.
Usually takes place between 8-10 weeks. This appointment may take place in a clinic, at home or at the hospital. Lots of information will be given to you during this appointment and screening tests will be offered, including blood tests. You will be given pregnancy notes, and on the front will be your named midwife (the midwife coordinating your care) and contact details. These notes are yours throughout your pregnancy and you are encouraged to read them; write questions and always bring them to every appointment relating to your pregnancy and birth.
1st scan – 11-14 weeks (also known as the dating scan, this is where your estimated due date will be confirmed)
18-21 week 2nd scan* – Known as an anomaly scan, this scan is examining your baby’s wellbeing. It may be possible to identify the sex of your baby at this scan appointment, however this cannot be guaranteed.
(*The number of ultrasound scans during pregnancy can vary dependent upon circumstances, but these will be discussed with you during your pregnancy)
Antenatal appointments are very important for you are your baby’s wellbeing. You will also get to know the midwife/ midwifery team caring for you. The routine appointments are as follows, however you may have additional antenatal appointments with your midwife/ at the hospital, and these will be discussed in more detail should they be required.
Routine antenatal appointments occur at 16 weeks, 25-26 weeks, 28 weeks, 31 weeks, 34 weeks.
At your 36 weeks midwife appointment, you and your midwife will discuss your birth options if not previously discussed.
Routine antenatal appointments at 38 weeks and 40 weeks.
41 weeks midwife appointment – your birth options will be further explored if you have not given birth
Midwifery advice and support is available 24 hours a day. Contact details can be found on your pregnancy hand held records and also via this website, simply click on your chosen provider. During the day this is usually the community midwives office; out of hours you can call the maternity triage unit/maternity assessment unit.